The Berean & the Arnies Army March United

The men of the Berean put down their coffee cups and marched with the Army to support YHCs birthday Q. The story of this event unfolds below.

5:00am a larger then usual group of men were perky and ready to roll for 3 miles of fun run that had the Berean guys leading the charge and telling the men of the Army to hurry up. Upon return to the AO we found another group of men ready to roll. 

5:30am: The longest run of the day 0.01 mile or less then half the parking lot to do some warm-o-rama

25 SSH, 15 IST, 15 Merkins, 100 of some arm thing Turncoat called, 15 Toy Soliders

Grabbed blocks and formed a circle, many men were very specific about which block they choose so YHC ensured we rotated often to ensure confusion. 

Block Work: 15 curls, 15 overhead press, 10 skull crushers, 15 chest press, 5 Burpees no block

Picnic Table: 15 dips, 10 step up each leg and mosey to pull up area

Monkey bar pass through or burpee penalty followed by 10 pull ups, 15 merkins, and 15 squats (repeato)

Move to the sports field (don't call it a soccer field), partner wheel barrow, bear crawl, and lunge walk.

Back to picnic table but only dips this time as complaints of slipperyness and risk of death were heard.

Block work, same as above but with 20 lawn mowers on each arm which proved challenging for some, then 15 squat to press. 

Blocks returned and time for some Mary, thanks to DH for Homer to Marge which lead to low flutter and low dolly before we ended with a 45 second plank. 


This was my last Q as a 40 year old with tomorrows pending birthday, I pause to thank all the fellas that came out and supported my Q and supported my MBM training plan over the past few months. Thanks to all the brothers who challenge me to be a better man! 

The Berean boys run fast, talk alot, are loud, and even burpees don't shut them up, but thrilled to have them at Arnies this am. Starbucks was not as profitable today and probably smelled better then most mondays for the other customers but I appreciate all those guys coming over. 

Remember this is mental health month, reach out to guys you have not seen in a while, bring out new guys, F3 has a lot to offer and many men in LKN need this group. Be your brothers Keeper!

Thanks to Turncoat for allowing me to Q at this fine AO, until the next time, see you in the gloom!