Camp Crystal Lake Killer

1 sad clown for the standard which worked out in everyone’s favor due to YHC need to set up for the ensuing beatdown.6 more emerged from the gloom to make 7 total. There were a couple stragglers within the ranks, but we had no time to waste. We didn’t get up this early for mediocrity. So, we moseyed to the permanent, yet incorrectly lit colors for the pledge and warmorama.SSH x13icIST x13icCotton Pickers x13icArm Circles x13icToy Soldier x13icMosey to “Camp Crystal Lake” for a killer beatdown.Run around the lake stopping at each cut-out for a specified exercise:Mountain Climbers x13icSweet CDD (feet on railing) x13 OYOStep Ups x13 each legDips x13icMonkey Humpers x13icBalboa’s (River Dance) x13icBurpees x13 OYOREPEATO, but this time bear crawl the boardwalk between stations and arms out during the Balboa’s.I heard some comments about Mericans. Either, they were glad no Mericans showed up on the lake tour, or they wanted to add some to the workout. So, we moseyed back to the parking lot for 13s (think 11s, but with 2 more rounds/reps)12 Mericans at the crosswalk, 1 squat at the next median, back up to the crosswalk for 11 Mericans, then to the median for 2 squats, 10-3, 9-4…you get the idea.Some who finished early decided 13 more burpees would be a good idea while they waited for the 6.Mosey back to the escape vehicles for MARY:J Lo x10ic, then 3 more icePickle Pounder x13icRock Hopper x13icCOT: We threw carona caution to the wind and did a ball of man disregarding any CDC suggestions.MOLESKIN:-3 more reps past the usual 10 makes a big difference.-Metallica killed it this morning with his speed and technique. He even suggested we mosey faster after doing burpees. Beast!-There were concerns that we didn’t go back and pick up the notecards with the exercises on them. Cobains. If you are out on the boardwalk at Robbins this week and see some notecards, help a brother out.-There were Turkish get ups and LBCs on my Weinke, but I’m a pax pleaser, so we didn’t lay on our back the entire workout. Your welcome. Please make note of that when filling out your survey.-Sorry there wasn’t coffee this morning. We’ll account that to it being Friday the 13th and weird things always happening.-Lots of great mumblechatter this morning, which I love. It was too dark to tell who was the greatest offender, but everyone chimed in on a regular basis.-I was glad to have Hat Trick there this morning keeping me honest.