That was BS according to the Pax

Friday the 13th began with a punishing beatdown for all in attendance. It was good to see so many runners trying to cure the dreaded "soccer-arm" Virus. It doesn't get nearly enough coverage these days, living in the shadow of the Beer virus. My goal was to bring it to light and work on the cure. Here's how it went down:


Zamperini to the 2nd deck as FIA was occupying the first.



Deep Squat

Arm & Shoulder stretch

Tricep Stretch


The Thang

There are 15 parking lines on the ramp which meant it was perfect for a progressive ladder with a twist. Once you got to 15, you had to turn around and go back to 1 for a total of 120 up & 120 down for Round 1. Round 2 was 120 up and 64 down due to time for a total of 424 reps. What caused so much pain you ask?


Round 1 – KB Swings

Round 2 – 8 Count Burners

Oblique Rotations

Round the worlds

Mary with a bell

On your backs with the bell Pressed while we do the following without rest:

Low flutter

Low Dolly

Box cutter

Static hold starting at 5 down to 1 & back to 5

Mobility moment

Downward Dog

Pigeon R & L


The Pax were strong in mumble chatter at the start and through the warrorama. That quickly subsided to silence once we started up the ladder.

Great to see Elmers & Tuffy today since their travel schedule opened up, Rocket too fresh from a trade show.

Frogger & Toxic contiue their battle for king of mumble chatter – not sure who is winning?

Little Finger went straight from MB PR to a boot. Time to get on the boot camp circuit and come back an even better runner. Happy to see you not letting that hold you back.

Crab Legs decided at some point we didnt do enough so started some incline merkins on the railing. Nicely done.

Stapler outdid us all lifting a pretty massive bell. Strong is an understatement.

There was talk of workouts being led over Skype. It was really more of an excuse to upgrade garage TV's (truly first world problems we face)

Frogger & Crabby ran a standard as well

We did an old school COT, sitting in a circle _ social distance observed to cap the morning.

Sad footnote 

Our strenuous workout was interupted by non-stop police, fire, and EMT activity this morning. Shockingly, they were less than a mile away attending to a horrific shooting. Thoughts and prayers with all those impacted.
