The RTR that could have been

Event Date

Mar 19, 2020


I’m trying to keep numbers down to 4 or fewer and started a later OTB RTR. We ran to Gilead & back. Along the way we stopped at each cross street and did the following exercises:


10 Burpees OYO

10 Twisting lunges IC

10 Reverse Plank Mountain Climbers IC

10 Peter Parker IC

10 Dips IC

Bear crawl around the island 

Crab walk around the island (Audible to 1/2 island)

10 Monkey Humpers IC (where we did Monkey Humpers for the passing cars – you’re welcome Huntersville)!

10 Bird Dog IC

10 Bird Dog Crunches IC

10 Dips IC

10 Parker Peter IC

10 Maktar Jai IC

10 Incline Merkins IC

10 Decline Merkins IC


10 Burpees OYO


3 miles and 280 total reps. Not a bad start to the day. CrabFroggerlegs ran a 5k Standard as well. 

Thanks to these guys for coming out and staying connected albeit from a distance of 6 feet at all times. This is very important and much needed. See you in the gloom…