OTB – Breakfast Club ish

Event Date

Mar 21, 2020


Frogger and I showed up at Breakfast Club only to find out that no one else decided to show at the supposed normal launch time 0700. We waited for a little bit before heading out to get an 8 Miler in. We ran down Stumptown towards St. Marks did a flyby of the Mighty Jungle and continued on down Ranson Rd towards Gilead and then into Wynfield and down Travolta hill and back up Stumptown back to Birkdale for our 8 Miles.

When we returned the Breakfast Clubbers were all gathered round. It's times like these when you found out you really aren't part of the Club. Anyways we had a good run in a nice little drizzle. Post run Walgreens run for beer was not too shabby. Thanks Full Moon/Axle for the Jangles and Froglegs for the brewskie.