Shared Q at DPK (MadScientist)

Event Date

Mar 25, 2020


It was a WILD morning at the DPK parking garage. "Camp Gladiator" (a paying member camp), FIA, and 3 separate F3 workouts were all taking place in the same garage. On the F3 side there was a five (5) man OTB stretch workout, a two (2) man OTB kettlebell workout, and our WILD STALLION five (5) man OTB Block workout ,aptly named due to the "Shared Q" status; there was no containing our excitement.

Social Distancing was maintained and Blocks were NOT shared – it was WILD.

Here's what we did:


Trip around (up/down) the parking deck

SSH / IST / Wood Chopper / Windmill / Mountain Climber / 10x IC Merkins

Grab a BLOCK


Each PAX chose an exercise:

10x IC BLOCK Squat (CarpetBagger)

6x SLOOOOOW Cadence Curl (Rodeo)

5x Burpee OYO (Crocs)

10x Lawn Mower Pulls OYO (Amen)

15x LBC (Honeysuckle Blue)

15x IC Block Press w/ Flutter Kick (Rodeo)

Trip around (up/down) the parking deck



15x IC Jane Fondas (each leg) (Rodeo)

30 second Plank (Crocs)

15x IC JLo (Amen)

15x IC LBC (Honeysuckle Blue)

10x IC Merkins (Carpetbagger)



Gentlemen, I truly appreciate everyone's involvement in today's OTB (off the books) workout. It was a nice twist having everyone contribute an exercise. All in all, we hit every major body part (legs, abs, arms) and we even broke a good sweat. 

Remember, even though we have to keep social distancing in mind while we go about our day, we can still be a blessing to others.

@F3_Jedi has put out a great suggestion on how we can do this #F123Leads (on Twitter). Just choose your 1, 2, 3 things that you are giong to do everyday to lead in our community, which starts with you.

For example, your 1 maybe your commitment to yourself to workout once a day. 2 may represent reaching out to two (2) people to "check in" on them about their health and fitness. And 3 might represent calling three (3) people who maybe out of your normal sphere of influence to see how you can help them or just to say hello.

I know it may seem odd or unusual to reach out to others when we are being asked to turn inward and sequester ourselves but now it's more important than ever to reach out to others. 

Unfortunately many of our friends, family, and aquaintances may have lost their job or are in a position where their household income has diminished.Others maybe fighting with seasonal allergies or worse they may have contracted Covid19. We won't know unless we reach out to them.

In times of trouble and pain, most people aren't reaching out, they are isolating themselves. And this pandemic is a great excuse to get lost in our own anguish. So let's reach out and lift someone up. They need you. They need someone to be there as a listening ear.

We are not alone; share that message with others. #F123Leads

Learders lead.
