Push Pull Abs XL

Event Date

Mar 17, 2020


Five Men joined me for an XL version of the Push, Pull, Abs workout at SVU.  I appreciate the hard work.
SSH x 20 IC
Monkey Humpers x 10 IC + Thigh Stretch
Windmills x 10 IC + Ham Stretch
Merkins x 10 IC + Arm Circles Forward and Backward
The Thang:
Round 1: Round 2: Round 3:
Push: Merkins + Block press 30/15-IC 25/12-IC 20/8-IC
Pull: Pullups + Aust Row 12/15 10/12 8/10
Abs: Toe-Touch + Flutters 12/60 10/60 8/60
Legs: Squat + Lunge 30/15 25/12 20/10
Arms: Curls + S Crushers 15-IC/15-IC 12-IC/12-IC 10-IC/10-IC
I may have missed something in there, I washed my 3×5 workout card…
30 WWI’s OYO
American Hammer to 6:15 finish
The PAX seemed to have a love/hate relationship with this one, I am sure there were some sore muscles in the following days.  Plenty of good-natured complaining!
He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged.
Deuteronomy 31:8
There is a lot of fear and plenty of bad news and actual bad circumstances to be afraid of, real fear inducing things, whether it’s personal illness, loss of income, the illness of friends and family.  Given this, we must not be afraid or if we are, we must act, regardless of this fear.  That is courage.  Courage and appropriate action are what’s needed desperately at this time.  Find a way to help.  Stay safe and work hard.