Directionally a fail, but still a smoker

The plan for today was to do a virtual KB 5-50-4. However, YHC's math was fuzzy when i wrote the PB. I only included 4 excercises in the list. I missed adding the Chest Press after the Overhead press. So, the Pax didnt get to experience the full glory this time. I will do better next time. Great work by all today. Special mention to Frogger with a standard, and separately Lawn Dart did a 3 mile standard as well. 


It was a different vibe working out solo in my driveway with my dog. The mumble chatter was light, though the dog made up for it when a cat crossed the street. I hope you all got a good workout and judging from the comments you did. Let me know in the comments below. Stay safe everyone.
