Late start, early finish, but still a worthy beatdown.
FNG1 Zare (not an FNG) and I took our KBs to RiBP where we happened upon Rooter, who grabbed a cinder block and we all moseyed time the track at the base of the hill.
warm o rama of the regular type.
Then each of us took turns calling for a ladder using the hill
The Force: Full Curls at the bottom, quadrohelia up, 1/4 turn jump squats. Back down. Counts of 14 IC bottoms, 14 single t top.
Zare: Upright Rows bottom, quadro up, CDDs at top. Same counts.
Rooter: WW2 sit-ups at bottom x 21 count down by 3, regular up the hill, knee-touch merkins at the top.
That was pretty much it