Upper Body PT, Mostly

Event Date

Apr 14, 2020


Three men joined me for some upper body work with some sprints sprinkled in.  I hope it was everything you dreamed of and more.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmills x 10 IC + Ham Stretch, Rt over Lt, Lt over Rt
Copper Head Squats IC + Quad stretches Rt & Lt
Merkins x 10 IC 

The Thang:
Back to Playground:

2 Rounds of Each:
Group 1: 12 x Pullups (timer)
Group 2: Curls for Girls
Group 1: 20 x Dips (timer)
Group 2: Scull Crushers
Group 1: 20x Pushups (timer)
Group 2: Shoulder Presses
Both Groups run to bottom of LBH

2 Rounds of Each:
Sprint LBH mosey back to bottom

Mosey back to Playground 

2 Rounds of Each:
Group 1: 10 x Pullups (timer)
Group 2: Curls for Girls
Group 1: 20 x Dips (timer)
Group 2: Scull Crushers
Group 1: 20 x Pushups (timer)
Group 2: Shoulder Presses
Back to AO

WWI x 30 OYO
Flutter Kicks: 20 x IC
Pretzel LBC:  LT leg x 10 IC, RT leg x 10 IC
LBC’s x 20 IC
American Hammer to 6:15am

Had some good conversation between the sets.  Dandelion is in training to retain his “straight arm milk jug hold” championship, you have our full support sir.  We have discovered a new way to have a birthday party thanks to Mater’s better half, a “drive-by birthday” to keep social distancing to a max but still celebrate a 10-year old’s birthday, great idea, and Happy Birthday!

1 Corinthians 9:27
But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to other I myself should be disqualified.
Walk your talk, don’t be a hypocrite.  

Thank you for allowing me to lead and get better as a man.