Tax Day and Money Workout

We surely had 9.9 folks working out but it was great to see Sunshine make it up from Charlotte and Hippie return after a few weeks away thanks to Pit Stop. 

We staring in the parking lot and headed to the basement, we skipped the warm up as most of us did a standard or had to run down from the roof. 

Round 1 (eveything with 15 reps – TAX DAY) 

  • Curls 
  • Elf on the Shelf 
  • Squats 
  • WW2 with Block 

Run to the roof and hippie led us in 15 merkins 

Round 2 (everything with 15 reps – TAX DAY) 

  • Lawnmower 
  • Lunges 
  • Chest Press with Block 
  • Side LBCs

Run to the 3rd floor and Carpetbagger led us in pull ups 

Round 3 (eveything with 15 reps – TAX DAY) 

  • Curls 
  • Elf on the Shelf 
  • Squats 
  • WW2 with Block 

Run to the roof and hippie led us in 15 merkins 

Round 4 (everything with 15 reps – TAX DAY) 

  • Lawnmower 
  • Lunges 
  • Chest Press with Block 
  • Side LBCs

Run to the 3rd floor and Swanson led us in wall sits  

We then did a round of mary / favorite workout (what I can remember)

  1. Carpetbagger- Curls 
  2. Sunshine – monkey huppers 
  3. Hippie – Suzanne Summers 
  4. Pit Stop – Balls to the wall 
  5. Camelback – LBC 
  6. Rodeo – 5 burpees (I tried to provide a burpee free workout)
  7. Swanson – 30 second back bridge

Excellent work all!