200 ‘Mericans and other fun stuff

Event Date

Apr 21, 2020


8 1/2 PAX (including 66's 2.0, 33) helped YHC get a desparately needed beatdown, while maintaining all phisical distancing recommendations and staying safe. 

WARMORAMA: Standard lap, circule up for SSH, IST, TS, Windmill etc.

THE THANG:  'Mericans were the main course, but we had plenty of side dishes.  Starting in a WIDE circle with blocks (no sharing), we did curls, deadlifts, shoulder press, squats and skull crushers (all x10 IC). Then lined up (in 3 groups so we could keep adequate distancing).  20 'Mericans, lunge walk to the next line (roughly 10 yards), 15 'Mericans, lunge walk to next, 10 'Mericans, lunge walk, 5 'Mericans (that's 50 'Mericans) then mosey around the remainder of the track.  

After the lap, repeato the excercises, with some rocky balboas thrown in there, then back on the line.  Same deal except reverse lunges. (another 50 'Mericans, arms burning yet?)

After the lap, repeato excercises, PAX instructed to WALK to next line, however at the end they have to sprint the rest of the striaght away (another 50 'Mericans).  Down on that end we did some WW2's and low flutters.

Then back on the line, 'Mericans, lunge walk and sprint (50 more 'Mericans for 200 'Mericans total).

MARY: we put the blocks away and circled up (nice wide circle) for a few Mary excercises before COT.

MOLESKIN:  no major announcements or prayer requests at COT.  The PAX wished YHC luck for the coming week (my little girl is due TOMORROW!).  I have no idea what the next week (month, year) holds, so was grateful to the PAX to get a great workout in.  Great to know that in this quarantine world, we can stay smart and safe, maintaining PHYSICAL distancing while still getting Social and mental engagement, not to mention breaking a sweat.