Happy Thor’s Day

Event Date

Apr 23, 2020


Virtual Fission Week 5

My accountability partner Stapler joined me again this morning in the virtual gloom and brought his Thor hammers to the party. Stapler continues to show off all the cool toys in his home gym.


Here is what we crushed this morning:

SSH 20x IC

IST 10x IC

Cotton picker 10x IC

Toy soldier 10x IC

Windmill 10x IC


The Thang

5 Rounds of the following (single count):

20 Australian Pull-Ups

30 Diamond Merkins 

40 LBCs

50 Air Squats


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80 Curls

40 Overhead press

20 Skull crushers 


After each round perform the following exercise (30ft and then sprint back)

Round 1: R side step 

Round 2: lunge walk 

Round 3: L side step 

Round 4: bear crawl 

Round 5: reverse lunge walk 



Low flutter 15x IC

Freddie Mercury's 15x IC

One clean crisp burpee 



Until next time,

Cousin Eddie