5 minutes is a long time, a really long and painful time….

Zare, MOD, & Purell were not listed on the site…


And now for something completely different… The last few weeks were about increasing reps. This week will be far fewer reps, but somehow be more painful. How in the world is that possible? Read on and find out:


WM x 15 IC

Dwight Schrute X 15 IC


Toy Soldier X 15 IC

Merkin X 15 IC

The Main Event

Each exercise will consist of only 5 reps. The catch is in how you count the reps. You will count to 30, or use a timer set for 30 seconds to do the first part of the exercise, and then another 30 count or 30 seconds for the second part of the exercise. As if this is not hard enough, you will not lock out your arms or legs during an excercise. Got all that? Good. These are the excercises:

Squat – 30 seconds on the down, don't lock your legs & 30 seconds on the up, again don't lock your legs x 5 total

Rest a minute – you will need to

Full Curl – 30 seconds on the up, don't lock your arms & 30 seconds on the down, again don't lock your arms x 5 total

Rest as needed

Overhead Press – same directions x 5 total

Rest as needed

Chest Press – same directions x 5 total

Row – Bent Over or Upright, or alternating, same directions x 5 total

Rest as needed

Mason Twist – same directions x 5 total

Rest as needed


Mobility Mary – pigeon & spinal twist to loosen up after the pain

From the comments  this one was not a favorite of the Pax. I heard horrible, terrible, the worst 35 minutes… I think all of those are true. I was shaking during some of the reps and my abs cramped during Mason Twists… Thanks everyone for joining and sharing the pain. Until next week…

Stay safe,