Getting a Sunburn During a Beatdown

Event Date

Apr 26, 2020


FNG-2 = M.O.D.

The FS got us both on Saturday, so when the sun poked out after virtual church on Sunday, MOD needed to get out and get after it.  And that we did.

We drove our KBs to the top of LFC's parking lot, parked, turned on the tunes, grabbed blocks, ripped off the shirts and got to it.  We hit it HARD in the sun.  Used the blocks as a bench for 6 sets of presses and flies, then used KBs for various KB work, then took a lap around the parking lot.  Even pushed the blocks across the parking lot a couple times.

After a solid 45 mins of work, BEP rounded the corner (kinda sorta planned in advance), so YHC sent M.O.D. running home while YHC did some laps with BEP to finish out a great afternoon workout.

Upon showering YHC realized the sun was even stronger than we realized – got a little cooked out there!  

The end.