Lake View Wheel of Death

Event Date

May 09, 2020


Great morning – what an unbelievable stretch of good wx we have had.   

FNG is Salty.   


15 x SSH

10 x Pike ups

15 x JLos

15 x Plank Jacks

10 x Cotton Pickers


The Thang

Indian Run to clubhouse stopping at 2 different cul de sacs.

At each cul de sac one pax runs down street while rest do exercise of runners choice:

Augusta Ridge: Mericans/Monkey Humpers/SSH/LBC/Mountain Climbers

Quiet Cove: Squats/Mericans/SSH/Flutter Kicks/WWI

At clubhouse: Lake View Wheel of death…

5 stations and counter is pax running around clubhouse path

Stations: Burpees/Bench dips (great view)/ Tree sit (great view)/Wall jumps (slippery!)/Rock curls

Indian run back to AO


On the playground, counter was 20 x Willy worms on swing

Freddy Mercury

Flutter Kicks

In and Outs


Kick the tire swing


Our family has been trying to work in a 30-minute faith/religion session each day during the kids homeschooling.  This past week we had a lesson that incorporated 1 Corinthians on Love.  We read it aloud and then on a slip of paper each person wrote down what parts of that passage they felt like was easy for them to express love and what parts were hard. For example, hard for me is patience, while I felt like I don’t struggle as much with envy or jealousy.   We then shared it with each other.  It turned out to be a good exercise to see where we all were at and better understand what makes some more triggered or why they may seem insensitive in certain areas.  Almost like a personality test but love centered. 


-Salty showed up, thanks Anvil for inviting him.  Very speedy on the cul de sac runs and Indian run!

-Dandelion exuded great leadership by metering the pace of the Indian run while in front. 

-Strudel entered a zen state while doing tree sit and listening to the birds.  Reminisced about long periods of time outs as a kid. 

-Shredder shared their new little guy tipped the scales at 12+lbs!  Not sure what they are feeding him but I think we have a linebacker in the making!

-Anvil was thankful there wasn’t another block exodus and shared his new PR in pull ups!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
