Grand Reopening

11 Men were not afraid to melt and braved the rain at the reopening of Hollywood.  
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Windmills IC
10 IST's IC
The Thang:
7 of Diamonds
For the first round, 7 burpees at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 4 rounds. 
Round 2, 14 SSH's at each of the 4 corners. 
Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners. 
Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners.
Round 5, 21 CDD's at each corner
Round 6, 14 Plank Jacks each leg at each corner
Round 7, 7 Incline Mericans at each corner
20 Rocky Balboas IC
Mosey to wall for People's Chair, Air presses, and touch them heels. Head to parking deck for mary.
Rosalita Deep Dish
LBC's Little Professor
Dying Cockroach Cousin Eddie
The W Roadie
Freddie Mercury Soprano
J-Lo Amen
Crunchy Frog Riverboat
112 Mericans, 96 SSH's, 28 Burpees, 56 Plank Jacks, 84 CCD's, 112 Squats for the 7 of Diamonds. I'll confess that amidst all the mumblechatter I may have lost count and did not complete all the burpees…
Speaking of mumblechatter, it actually started yesterday with multiple texts from Shaken, Riverboat, and Oyster regarding a 6:15 launch time.  That was quickly shot down, as word came from the CDC that an earlier start time is better for your health.  The chatter was missed these last 6 (or 8) weeks, 
and came back strong this morning.  Nice!
Regarding Oyster, he was nowhere to be found, but he was missed.  Also missed, as in missed the entire workout, was The Force x2.  Rumor has it there was an HC, but you know, it rained…
Soprano came in hot, after touring the entire AO searching for the PAX.  He promptly crushed the workout in usual fashion.  Well done brother.
Glad to be "offically" back in business.  It is indeed an honor to be a part of this group.