A 3-Q value at Mad Scientist

Event Date

May 20, 2020

Pax not listed who did not Q were…  Well, no one.

I guess rain in the forecast, no preblast and no MQ engagement is the recipe for only 3 showing up in the gloom for Mad Scientist.  3 was all we needed!

As YHC was complaining at 05:30:01 about no PB and nothing on the website, Toxic just took off and we knew to follow him.  Taking advantage of the errant forecast, we enjoyed a mosey around DPK sans precipitation.  We followed Toxic all the way around, then into the deck.

Toxic led us through warm-o-rama while undoubtedly YHC and Snake Eyes began to dread more and more all the animalistic, no-name, crawling and awkward excercises Toxic would be leading us through for the next 42 minutes (all because there was no Q scheduled).  But alas, following the warm-o-rama and being led to the top of the deck, Toxic announced that we'd each call an exercise then traverse down a level.  Rinse and repeat until we arrived to the basement.

Still a little time left when we got to the basement, so we continued.  YHC was very ready for some blockwork by this time, but Toxic and Snake Eyes both called other exercises first.  We did manage to get high, low and full curls in at the last minute, but TopGun would have been disappointed in our attempt at the Colt 45.  #WeGotTired

We really let Mary down – only went at it for about 4 minutes, but we sure were tired and sweaty when we finished. *aw-yeah*

Count-off took about as long as Mary did, then we slow moseyed up to the parking lot for name-o-rama and COT on one knee.

PSA:  We need to get the MQs and Pax of F3Nation back on the website signing up for the Qs, preblasting the workouts and connecting all the Pax of The Nation who have become disconnected.  We have always said "There's a guy out there who needs F3 even if he doesn't know it yet."  That's true more than ever, and most likely that guy is now those guys and they're our brothers.  Let's get them back to the gloom, because it's glorious.