F3 is more Spartan than Spartan is

FNG-1 = Sooner; FNG-2 = Crabby Paddy (somebody needs to get these guys on the system as they keep coming!

19 men showed up on a sunny, hot, humid Saturday to discover that the Q committed plagiarism

Warm Up:

15 Cotton Pickers – IC

10 Toy Solders – IC

Right-over-left/Left-over-right/Feet together – just stretch

5 Merkins – IC (PAX kept trying to anticipate Q's cadence – resulted in holding at the bottom for a bit)

Tha Thang:

As Covid's impact extended to the OCR world, Spartan tried to come up with an alternative for a "Virtual Spartan".  As YHC read it, my first reaction was that this is no tougher than our normal Saturday beat downs.  YHC was right, as everyone crushed it in normal fashion.  The "obstacle" in this case was a billion % humidity and an unrelenting sun on asphalt.

10 Merkins – IC
10 burpees
10 mountain climbers (per side)
10 SSH
10 air squats
Run 1 mile – Stop at Launch Pad
10 forward lunges (per side)
10 hand-release merkins
10 tuck jumps
10 plank up-downs
10 glute bridge raises
Run 1 mile – Stop at Flag Pole
10 knee slap mountain climbers (per side)
10 backward lunges (per side)
10 plank shoulder taps (per side)
10 bench dips – IC
10 decline merkins – IC
Run 1 mile – stop at Launch Pad
10 single-leg squats (per side)
10 double leg calf raises
10-second plank
10-second 6-inch leg hold
10-second iso-squat

Once complete – check your time (honor system).  Pat yourself on the back, then proceed to do the whole thing in reverse until you reach the six and accompany them in.  (this instruction was completely ignored and resulted in a slow mosey around the track to find the six, which was confusing based on how many laps people did).  Anyway, somewhere around 7:50, all PAX had gathered at Launch Pad.


20 – LBC – IC

25 – Flutterkicks – IC

5 – Dr W's at Sonar's lead

15 – Right Leg Preztel Crunch – IC

15 – Left Leg Preztel Crunch – IC

45ish seconds Plank


John 14:26 "But the Helpder, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you"

Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should resond to each person."

2 things: 1) don't speak your mind, don't speak your heart, let the Holy Spirit speak for you. Zero chance you'll get it wrong.  2) we are to speak with grace and let God tell us how to respond to people.  If everyone followed these words from the Bible, little of the current unrest would exist.


– Great to see a full gathering at Mustang.  Apparently some expected a light workout and started their day with some running, biking, swimming.  Kudos.

– It was so hot. Someone needs to bring an air conditioner next time like what they have at SVU.

– This was a timed event.  YHC had Abrams pegged to lead the pack and he didn't disappoint.  33 min is a stellar time!  As he was passing me, his affection was evident in phrases like, "I hate you.  This is awful.  Why did you do this?"  Its good to be loved.

– Great to see Sooner out again.  That guy is crushing Saturdays.

– Hefty is a phenom.  No two ways about it.  Thanks for the push at the end bro.  He, Twinkle and Mysterion all were run/bike/swim prior to the workout.  Muy mas macho.

– Mater is officially a runner.  Careful that you don't end up with arms like Skipper.

– Mulligan was yawning and not impressed that YHC copy/pasted from the internet

– Mater was struck by the reflection and started by hazing me for only being there 1x this week.  His point was apparently that the take away was consistent with other reflections during the week – so there must be some significance in the message (but delivery was wierd… )

– Sonar – love this guy and the Dr W's.  Nobody does them better (or can keep up with the 8 different movements)

– YHC intentionally didn't do SSH in the warm-up, thinking it would trick Clark into having to do them during the workout. But he bailed.  Plan foiled.

– The PAX got spread out pretty quick on this one, so I'm sure I missed a bunch of stuff – feel free to sound off.

Always an honor to be able to lead this fine group.  Great to see new faces and the F3 vets out.

YHC = Kaczynski