Thunder and Lightning

Event Date

Jun 10, 2020

YHC rolled in at 0501 with the intent of running a standard if any pax took the bait. Empty parking lot = sit in the car and play on the phone. 0526 rolls around…still an empty parking lot. Then suddenly – 1 car, 2 cars…2 cars. Firestone and Master Po kept YHC from going home and sitting on the couch until the kids woke up. The 3 of us made our way into the dank, dark basement of the parking deck, a disclaimer was given, and a workout was begun.


  • IST x 10 IC
  • TS x 10 IC
  • Dwight Schrute x 10 IC



  • Pax perform SSH while listening to AC/DC's Thunderstruck and do a burpee for every "THUNDER". For reference, "thunder" comes up 34 times in that song so that is 34 burpees.


Pick up a block

  • Curl x 20 IC

Run up the stairs to top deck

  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC

Run down the ramps to the basement

  • Curls x 20 IC
  • OH press x 15 IC
  • Kid Launcher x 10 IC

Run up the stairs

  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO

Run down the ramps

  • Curls x 20 IC
  • OH press x 15 IC
  • Kid Launcher x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO

Run up the stairs

  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO

Run down the ramps and put away the blocks. Quadraphelia up one ramp to the cars.


  • Low Flutter x 20 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC (each side)
  • Jane fonda x 20 IC (each leg)
  • Makhtar n'diayes x 15 IC
  • ONE clean, crisp burpee

Recover. Recover.


  • The pax lamented at the low turnout. Mad Scientist is a great AO – where the pax at?!
  • Many AOs need Qs and need turnout. While YHC understand that pax tend to like to post in groups at the same AOs, we need to spread the love. Best way to do this is sign up to Q and bring your friends!
  • Possible July 4th convergence – more to come.
  • Strong work by Firestone and Master Po – looking forward to next time.