Modified Spartacus

Event Date

Jun 17, 2020


The Warmup:

  • Side Straddle Hops x 15 (IC)


The Thang:

Mosey to DUMC, reunite with your favorite paver and line up at the beginning of the parking lot for a modified Spartacus workout:


The Rules:

  • Pair up:

  • Team member 1 does the exercise, team member 2 runs to DUMC or dumpster, flapjack

  • Complete 100 reps of each exercise, unless otherwise noted

  • If you have to pause to catch your breath, run to DUMC and back


  • Set #1: merkins

  • Set #2: WW2 sit-ups

  • Set #3: 50 burpees

  • Set #4: curl, overhead press, skull crusher combination (with paver)

  • Set #5: lunges

  • Set #6: chest press/low flutter (with paver)

  • Set #7: squats

  • Set #8: peter parker/parker peter combination


And we didn’t get to:

  • Set #7: scorpion CDDs

  • Set #9: single leg LBCs


Pavers replaced and returned to the Green

  • Low flutters x 50 (I/C)

  • Mason Twist x 15 (I/C)



  • FNG-1 is Pudding

  • FNG-2 is Wham-o

  • The rain was a good relief to the intensity of the 45 minutes full blast, very little time for mumblechatter, all pushed hard during the Pudding/Wham-o wars

  • 2.5 miles in total