“Fat Freddy and the Abominable Abdominals” is NOT the name of a band. . .

Event Date

Jun 25, 2020


The engraved invitations read:

If you don’t come to Fission,
You’ll be met with derision.
By unilateral decision,
It’s under my supervision.
If you feel indecision,
We’ll make no provision.
The workout I envision,
Is an “exercise” in precision.
JERSEY BOY IS BACK so don't fartsack!

Apparently, that didn't impress anyone, since no mention of the poetry occurred—despite the efforts YHC made to rhyme the "izz-jun" pronunciation instead of the easier "ish-un." I guess this isn't the iambic pentameter crowd. Nevertheless, the workout kicked their assonance. 

The workout was heavy on the Fat Freddys (slow Freddy Mercurys with big foot circles, full extensions, and crunches) since that's the best overall ab exercise, but there were many other contributions that conspired to ruin our morning. Presented here in no particular order (with moseys interspersed throughout):

  • Goose-Steps 
  • Bobby Hurleys 
  • Girl Fights
  • Big-Boy Merkin 
  • Fat Freddy 
  • Sheryl Sandberg 
  • Praying Mantis 
  • Side Wall Planks
  • Wall Hammies
  • Luke Ballwalkers
  • Fat Freddy 
  • Karate Kids 
  • Card Table Plank
  • Side Hustle (jackknife)
  • Folding Card Table
  • Fat Freddy 
  • Super Slow Merkins 
  • Super Slow Bear Squats
  • Fat Freddy
  • Super Slow Carolina Dry Docks
  • One-legged calf raise
  • Fat Freddy
  • Metronomes 
  • Halo (2-leg circle)
  • Fat Freddy

It was a better turnout than expected, so props to those who showed, especially Liger, who was a bit out of his territory, and Hollywood, who I haven't seen for a coon's age! It was good to see some usual suspects as well: Cousin Eddie, Boar Hog, and, of course, Waffle House. Your inspiration and support, along with my Q-drenaline, helped this old dude make it through a pretty tough workout. Let me know if you feel it in those abs tomorrow!