Time bombs, the Sahara dust cloud, and dumpster diving

Mosey to the landing pad and then take the stairs to the top deck to see the sunrise.

WM x 10 IC

Dwight Shrutes x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Arm Circles

Mobility moment – Upwand & Downward Dogs

The Plan

Time Bombs were on the schedule for today with a twist. They would be perpetual, meaning once you began you wouldn't stop until the last Pax got to 1. We started with 10, where the next Pax began on 2 and so on around the circle. It looked good on paper but took a few rounds to get in sync. The Time Bombs consisted of:





Mobility moment to stretch our hip flexors

Skull Crusher

American Hammer

Low Flutter 

Walk back to the cars down the deck with each deck a different exercise:


Around the worlds

Static holds


V-up with the bell


Amen was quiet today but made it clear he would not be joining us tomorrow as he was on breakfast duty for the family.

Die Hard was also quiet but proceeded to crush the time bombs and 10 count.

Blackbeard showed on faith as YHC failed to add the #PB to the PB. Glad you followed your instincts today.

Lawn Dart is batchin it this weekend so was planning to start on the beverages immediately after coffee.

Qbert did todays workout with a massive 55 lb bell. That is impressive.

The Force continues to EH the next generation. He had a Zaire stand in as well as MOD. He also had some solid ideas for the downramping portion of the workout.

Frogger took on a standard to start and some post workout dumpster diving – he is not ashamed of his game.

Sabotage jumped right into the workout with a block and some counting challenges. It may have been more an issue with YHC's directions.

Toxic had a positive impact on the workout with changing the counting method of the timebombs. He then quickly eroded that contribution when he took the elevator down at the end of the workout. #innovativeorlazynotsure.

Thanks for joining me for the perpetual time bombs today. It was a good idea on paper and a brutal sequence of excercises. For those keeping score it was at least 110 reps of each excercise, though likely far more since we never stopped once we began. 

Get on the calendar for Q spots. There are a lot of options at this AO.