Sunrise Special… w/out Eggs n Bac’n

And M.O.D. and Colt… not registered. 

And Jolly Roger who might as well have been there for all that we talked about him.  Lots of love.*heart*

Arm circles and Arm stretch's

Leg stretches to 10x IC Slow Windmill, Carrot Pullers, more leg stretches,10x IC IST, and Toy Sailors

The Thang

Each exercise was conducted for one minute with 20 seconds between sets.


KB swing


Full curl

Skull Krusher

High curl

Single-arm swings

Jerk and Press, each arm 

Low curl – Amen slept through this set 

Reverse lunge 

Suitcase pickup – Traveler

Overhead press

Lawnmower – 1 minute each arm 

Chest press

Hot Potatoes

Figure 8

Around the World



Danger Zone

Another round of Single Arm Swings so that DieHard gets equally buffed arms



WW2 with bell

Mason twists with bell

Low Dollie with bell

Rosaletta with Bell 

Suzanne Sommers x20


Back on your feet for the most coveted…

Colt 45:  15x Low curls IC, 15x High Culrs, 15x Full curls 


Forward fold, reverse swan dive up to… 


Recover recover


The Thang


Amen was having so much fun, he totally missed the first round of Low Curls.

Glad we could do another set just for him. 


Blackbeard couldn't stop talking about Jolly Roger and how much he missed him, so we included him in the Pax since he might as well have been there. 


Speaking of that, good seeing Snake Eyes at Coffeteria afterwards.  good times!


Die Hard looked great against the rising sun from the top deck at DPK, as always


Ultraman did a great job of picking up the six and helping Rocket up the stairs.  We start at 0530, btw. 


The Force did great on the one handed swings, even while challenged.  But I'm always challenged mentally, so it is ok.  


Amen didn't bring a donut this morning.  I am disappoint. 


Jolly Roger – nice job at Q'ing every time you have posted this year… except for this one. 


Thanks to Ultraman for the chance to lead!  Next time, may my Bluetooth speaker have farther than a 5 foot range. 


Happy 4th of July!

TG sends,
