SVU Amphibious Assault

Event Date

Jul 25, 2020


6 men showed up at 0700 for the SVU amphibious assault.

Disclaimer – not a Navy SEAL but have watched GI Jane and Charlie Sheen’s Navy SEALS


15 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Plank Jacks

10 x Mericans

10 x Grandma Maters

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Mosey to back playground, max pullups and grab a block. 

Block jog up to AO and place blocks in wheel barrow.

Wheel barrow run to clubhouse.  One pax pushes wheel barrow with 6 blocks while other pax do 10 Mericans and catch up to wheel barrow pusher.  Swap out driver and repeato.  Stop 2 x for block exercises –15x rows and skull crushers. 

At clubhouse:

Cheetah takes a voltage reading and we prepare for the gauntlet:

Pax start at one end of volleyball court-  start with 5 burpees and low crawl through sand at other side 15x curls for girls/10x block flutter kicks/5 x burpees

Mosey to dock and jump in and swim two docks over.  Cheetah cries out we may have tanked Skipper’s chance at the election and Dandelion points out we are all shirtless so no one can tag us.     Never happened. 

Repeato 2x. 

Mosey back to AO with wheel barrow swapping out and doing 10 Mericans each time. 

Blocks back up, pull ups and return to AO with 10 seconds to spare. 


As Dandelion says, sprinkled throughout. 

Mobile Coffeeteria

It’s back!  Great fellowship and chat , iced coffee was a hit with cinnamon graham crackers.  Sorry kids they are gone.  


Navy SEALS have a level of eliteness and team work that is unparalleled.  Much of that mystique centers around the brotherhood and knowing that your teammate has your back.  Part of being strong as a group is helping each other with their weaknesses.  Part of being a brotherhood is knowing not just your brother’s strengths and what they are good at but also what they struggle with or need help on.  Thus it’s important for us to admit and share what we need help with to those we trust so we can strengthen each other.  I know as a group we would go to great lengths to help each other out or pick up a brother when we know they are down. 


-Mulligan and Cheetah pushed the limits with a continual 3 hour workout doing the tri series first.  Mighty dark on the swim! 

-Mulligan is ready for the Top Gun volleyball scene as we all line up at the court for the workout with no shirts.  Danger Zone played at some point too. 

-Thought we lost Strudel for a short while in the depths of the cove but he sprung out of the water like a blue marlin to mount the dock. 

-Dandelion rolls up to the AO in the thing Batman drove in the Dark Knight. 

-Cheetah was a little late coming back from the voltage test in the water and worried we lost him to stray voltage. 

-Salty was accepted as a volunteer fire fighter and will start soon.  Looking forward to some tough Saturday fireman workouts.   

Fair Winds and Following Seas
