Immediate Results….Tomorrow

Event Date

Aug 05, 2020

6 men arose this morning for a Mustang beatdown (sounds like something that costs extra at a massage parlor).  Numbers seemed light today, YHC chooses to believe it's because all that fartsacked saw the Q and got scared.  Nevertheless, the clock struck 5:30 and the humidity was mild, so we got after it.  This workout seems pretty simple (at least the BB is short) but you should feel results tomorrow.


  • 20 SSH IC
  • Arm Circles
  • 10 Dippy PAX Birds IC (sort of)
  • 15 Copperhead Squats IC
  • 20 Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang

To the DU Bars.  Shout out to Schnitzel from The Yacht Club at F3 Low Country for introducing me to ‘BOMBS’

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Opposite Hand Pull Ups IC
  • 15 Merkins IC
  • 20 Big Boys OYO
  • 25 Squats IC
  • Repeat-O x3 (side note, the Exicon claims Bombs are 50-100-150-200-250 in partner fashion, so this had a mustang modification)

To the flagpole binches

  • 10 Dips IC
  • 10 Step Ups Each Leg OYO
  • Bear Crawl one watt line to sign
  • Lunge Walk back
  • Repeat-O x3

Mary – To the gym entrance, on your 6

  • 10 LBCs IC
  • 10 Pretzel Crunch each side IC
  • Repeat-O x3
  • 30 Freddy Mercs

Reflection – Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing

Seems pretty appropriate for F3 and what we do every day within and outside of the workouts


  • Sparrow very unsure which was his dominant arm when performing the O in BOMBS
  • Scope didn't realize it was his shift when YHC instructed PAX to grab the pole
  • Marker per usual putting work in early with a few laps around the lot
  • Dr Dolittle has been studying up the Lexicon and Exercise Manual for his VQ-little next Wednesday 8/12 – be there to support!
  • Speaking of Exercise Manual, Scope informed us all that a Merkin is a…..well, just read about it here even though by F3 definition it is 'A push-up, American Military Style. 'Merica.' (Thunder Club – for your reference)
  • Boucher has not seen Spaceballs in its entirety….I think this warrants a 2nd F event.

Thank you for letting me lead these fine men!