Speed Bellz


15 x SSH (IC)

15 x Weed Pickers (IC)

15 x Toy Soldiers (IC)

15 x Windmills (IC)

RoL /LoR

Arm Circles forward and backwards

KB Halos 

KB Ribbon rotations


Start at the bottom of the parking lot and do 15 reps of the first exercise on the first row, then 10 reps at the second row, 5 reps at the first row, then Zamporini back to the first and then proceed in the same pattern with the next exercise until exercises are complete. 


15x, 10x, 5x KB Uhauls IC – Goblet Lunge between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Lawn Mower Pulls IC (each arm) – Goblet Quadraphilia between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Skull Crushers IC – Iversons between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Curls IC – Goblet Carry between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Goblet Squats IC – Goblet Karaoke Left between rows

15x, 10x, 5x KB Swings OYO – Goblet Karaoke Right between rows

Round Robin Lightning Round – In round robin fashion, each PAX will lead an exercise of their choosing (10 rep max). 


15 x LBC (IC) 

15 x Low flutter (IC) 

15 x Pretzel crunch, each side (IC) 

15 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)

ReflectionGal 6:9-10 ESV

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.



– FNG-1 is Scope’s 2.0, Dabo Bunny

– FNG-2 is Coat Factory, though he’s not so new… this guy has been killing it for weeks!

– The nights are getting longer, and YHC is having a hard time reading the weinke by the poorly lit launch pad. No! It’s not because I’m getting old and need reading glasses. I rebuke any notion of that. Thanks Marker for the headlamp.

–  Good to see Mater back from vacation. I tried to get a read on how well my Bellz Q is going. He just gives me the same response every time. “Hey, man. You’re the Q”.

– It was touching to see Scope and Dabo Bunny tag team the Round Robin round. I got a little sweat in my eyes.

– I couldn’t help but notice how intently Strudel was working out. Come to find out, he brought a 40 pounder to the party, and so shiny! Very nice!

– Dr Doolittle, Coat Factory, and Thunderclub counted cadence with authority during the Round Robin. I think they’re definitely ready to Q.

– Finkle is making the case that Speed Bellz can go even FASTER. That guy is an animal!

– You can always count on Sparrow to liven things up. Lots of chuckles and tomfoolery from the PAX this morning, which was a great way to cap off the work week. Great fellowship all around.


Thanks for letting me lead this morning. 


As always, an honor.
