No Surprises at Hollywood

13 men showed for a no frills, typical DD workout.


10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Windmills IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC

The Thang:

4 sets of 3 exercises done to (12) 4-count reps. Each set has one chest exercise, one leg exercise and one core exercise. After each set of three exercises, you run a lap around the parking lot.
1.  Merican, Squat, Crunchy Frog
2.  CDD, Lunges, LBC
3.  Incline Merican, Jump Squat, Low Flutter
4.  Decline Mercian, Reverse Lunges, Dying Cockroach

Head to the Rockpile

Curls 10 IC
Skull Crushers 10 IC
Overhead presses 10 IC
Chest presses 10 IC

Repeato x 2 but replace chest presses with Ranger Mericans, and Diamond Mericans

Mosey home for Mary

Rosalita – Deep Dish
Suzanne Somers – Lawndart
Freddie Mercury – Riverboat
10 Burpees OYO – Soprano

Lots of mumblechatter this morning.  Despite saying right in the the preblast "no surprises" Blackbeard commented that "he always does this workout".  Definitely not always, but it is a favorite.  That "no surprises" thing must have confused him…  He wondered about having to bring gloves as well.  I think by the end of the workout that reason became clear.

With 15 seconds left, YHC called on Soprano for the last Mary exercise.  Going with the workout theme, burpees were called.  You're welcome PAX… 🙂

The only thing that wasn't a surprise was Soprano setting the pace.  Nice work.

It was a hot, muggy morning, but the PAX met the challenge.  We put in 2 miles of running in addition to the upper body work.

Glad to see Popcorn out today.  He was recently EH'd by Soprano. Hot Lips continues to show and put in the work.  Well done guys. 

Great coffeteria afterward.  We've discussed the pros and cons of being on an HOA board.  Riveting conversation!

FNG1 is Popcorn, FNG2 is TH3

Thanks to Gnarley Goat for the opportunity to lead.  Always an honor.