Disclaimer – watch out for the giant spider *

* Also, this was YHC's first ever Q at Stretch Armstrong and was feeling somewhat under-qualified.

However, it turns out the Pax were very encouraging as always and everyone should Q at Stretch Armstrong at least once.  Looking at you Blackbeard.

Here is roughly what went down:

0500:  Solo run / walk standard to get the muscles warmed up. 


That we didn't do something like a dynamic warm-up to start might have been my first Q fail of the day?  But it was a well organized Weinke broken down into logical sections as below.  We held most stretches for ~1 minute unless otherwise stated.

Standing Things:

  • Hamstring stretch, into raised upright
  • Upright lean left, then right
  • Lean middle, with arms hanging down
  • Quad stretch, L / R
  • Calf raises: L / R slow controlled one leg calf raises x 10 OYO each side
  • Repeato

Non-standing things:

  • Butterfly stretch
  • Sitting lean left leg, then right leg, then middle
  • Elbow plank x 2 minutes
  • Front leaning rest 30 seconds, into calf stretches left then right
  • Left leg pigeon
  • Right leg pigeon
  • Upward dog
  • Downward dog

On backs things:

  • Left leg hold into chest then right
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Legs over head stretch
  • Hold one leg glute bridge left then right for 1 minute each

Other things (improvised, as the Weinke only took us to 0601!):  Order probably not correct

  • American Twist x 15 IC
  • Bent leg Calf raises: L / R slow controlled one leg calf raises x 10 OYO each side
  • Repeato
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • One legged tea pose L / R
  • We tried this thing where we'd hold ourselves up in a sitting position on the ground.  But either I'm too weak or my arms aren't long enough, so that was scrapped.
  • Two leg glute bridge for 90 seconds
  • More hamstring stretch after that ^
  • Elbow plank until time, ~75 seconds

Recover, recover.


  1. Our hearts were full with prayer requests.  We lifted up in our thoughts Mr. Gnarly Goat and family, Mr. Holiday and family, the family of a colleague of Mr. Toxic who passed away, and Mr. Ultraman and family for his MIL's sister.
  2. We also prayed for our children returning soon for another school year.
  3. Anyone can Q at Stretch Armstrong!  Appreciate the opportunity Omaha.  This was born out of a recent ruck we did together.
  4. Mr. Blackbeard (if you happen to read this), Omaha Q'd once at Mighty Jungle while you were MQ.  You owe him a Q at Stretch.  Them's the rules, Sir.
  5. Speaking of Blackbeard, his "Respect Q" is 18-Aug at Fallout.
  6. And Mr. Topgun turns 50 at Gladiator on 1-Sep.  Respect, gents!
  7. Which leads to the next point:  Moses pointed out that the Mean, Mode, (and maybe Min and Max *nerd* ) ages were 49 today.  Lots of folks are 49 and YHC hopes to be as fit as these men when I hit 49.
  8. YHC was possibly not the least flexible Pax today.  That honor might go to Ultraman.  I have a feeling that Ultraman will be the next Pax to Q every Huntersville / Cornelius AO over their career. 
  9. Good to meet Honeysuckle Blue for the first time.  That it was my first time meeting him means, as usual, that YHC needs to get to more bootcamps. 
  10. Tagless worked up a sweat, hopefully others did as well.
  11. [Insert Toxic mumblechatter comment] – Its cliche at this point, lol.  Thanks for going easy on someone with no Stretch Q experience. 
  12. Good to see you again Die Hard.  Wilderness sounds like a good option for tomorrow.

Appreciate all of you guys.  Turnpike.