Weights Wednesday – Aquaman Edition

The Deep State Backdrop

  • I celebrated five years at F3 this week
  • Once a month during the summer, we relocate the AO from DPK to Crocs' pool 
  • Jaws slayed it last week with Beernado and his 5th year anniversary
  • The stakes were high to live up to the most lit AO in F3 Lake Norman
  • The Pax were told in the #pb Pool-Run-Pain with alternatives allowed
  • 'You are not Emma Lovewell' ~ Thank you for the compliment PitStop

Warm O'Rama

  • Carry variety of weights from my car to the pool deck
  • Rectangle up around the pool
  • X10 SSH IC
  • X10 Merican IC
  • X10 SSH IC to make everyone wet and get over the pool thing
  • Paddle kicks like you are learning to swim, X20 IC~ish
  • Choose your weights – 25-40 lbs dumbells, plates, slam balls

The Main Thang

  1. 12 minute Tabat Session – Each Exercise 1 minute with 30 seconds rest – 2 Rounds
    • The Pax immediately called BS <– did I mention how much I love this AO!
    • The Pax also called for beer – YHC note – I had a case of Miller lite ready for the Miller Time
    1. Exercise 1: Weighted Squat and Forward press
    2. Exercise 2: The Two Handed Lawn Mower
      1. Props to Crocs for figuring out to bang out as many underwater reps as possible, come back up and catch your breath, then repeato in a 1 minute session 
    3. Exercise 3: The lunge and overhead press
      1. Umm…this was awful – remember we were in the pool
      2. The resistance and different grips on the weights were heavily discussed
    4. Exercise 4:  The Full Curl (it is beach season after all)
  2. The 12 Minute 'Break for Beer'
    1. This is timed for 12 minutes!
    2. Crab Legs and Crocs took the 1 mile and a beer option
    3. Everyone else chose the water aerobics and a beer option
      1. We did aerobic tabata – 1 min on 30 seconds off of various kicks and flutters in the water and drank beer on the breaks
    4. Crocs and Crabbie finished their beer, and their run and magically showed up with pizzas!
  3. Now we repeat the round 1 tabata of Squat, Lawn Mower, Lunge and Curl

No Mary

The Nekked Man MoleSkin

  • I've had a strange trip with F3.  I am probably know for my hair and failure.   For those who don't know, I broke my ankle in my first ever mud run.   I failed at leading the Pax into a 2019 Pickle Run and had to pass on giving it a go in 2020.  But – like life – I keep showing up. I've developed some good friendships and lasting bonds with other men and parents and different backgrounds.  
  • Also – I've learned to lead.   I've applied the organizational skills of a Q to real life.  I mostly Q workouts that I show up to because I have some limitations on what I can and can't do. You can only control what you can control and thats mostly you.  I teach my kids that lesson all day long.   For example, when my friend's son had a spinal injury on a lacrosse field, Spearhead training kicked in. I mobilised parents to take care of his car, his other child, his ex-wife, the bits and piece of equipment that were stripped off him, so that he could take care of his son during the airlifted ride to Charlotte Medical.  The kid was fine, and it was just a stinger. 
  • Back to the PAX
    • Everyone crushed it.
    • Jaws is a big splasher when he paddle kicks
    • Crocs is the guy you want figuring out how to shortcut the system
    • Camelback chose wine over beer, so we expect him to move to Davidson.  He is also rocking a 1st class beard that tells its own stories. #pinkiesup
    • Crabby substituted lifting beer cans in the last round of Tabata #cheers
    • HoneySuckle Blue showed up during the last round of tabata and partook in a cocktail
    • PitStop is ready to be a very sweaty Peleton instructor.  He's downright inspirational. 
    • Something attempted to find a happy place with the different weights and discovered – there are no good options. 
    • Freedom enjoyed the cooler pool temps.   Apparently Crocs displayed his boyband affection by having the pool 98 Degrees last time out. 
    • Burning Bush was ontime today! And then he crushed it although I think we finally mussed up his hair.