Sunday Bloody Sunday

Event Date

Aug 23, 2020


Saturday evening the call went out to determine who would HC and when/where the Sunday OTB run would be held. The consensus was to run trails at 0830 at Latta Plantation in honor of Fenway who took the reigns many moons ago and would lead the pack on a OTR run each Sunday. OTR (Off the Road). 

We had a good showing for the first OTR in some time considering I did not really promote this as well as it could have been but the pax that attended were strong. 

YHC arrived right at 0830 to see the pax all anxiously waiting to get this party started. I am sure some in the pax thought i was going to pull a Moby Dick but I did fullfill my commitment to Q and showed. Note to self, leave more than 15 minutes before launch to make it to Latta in time. 

It had been some time since I had either walked or run on the trails at Latta so the regins were handed over to Ultraman to lead the pax on the run. Not exactly sure what trails were run but Ultraman I am sure knows the names. 

A nice recovery run was had by all as most of us were able to get over 4 miles in on the trails. Temps and humidity seemed pretty fair. 

We stopped for a Fenway style Sunrise selfie except it was a few hours past sunrise but nonetheless. 

After the run, we enjoyed some post run beverages and a bourbon pecan flavored kringle. I will not go into detail as to what beverages were on hand as that will be a STK thing.Mumble chatter was strong. 

Thank you Crocs for the Kringle

Thank you to everyone that showed and made Sunday morning a start to a good day. 

Until next time. 

