Fractional Fun at Viking

Event Date

Aug 25, 2020


Viking BB – 8-25-2020

6 Men posted for a lesson in fractions in the steamy August Gloom @ North Meck Park

Moses, Bagboy, Fescu, Tuffy, WartHog + Tripper and YHC Canuck 

  • Warm Up 
  • ISS X15
  • Windmill X12
  • Carrot Puller X 15
  • Toy Solider X 15 
  • Stretchy Stretch 

Mosey to the track – with slight detour based on darkness – Bagboy appreciated the extra steps and them being uphill. Your Welcome Bagboy 

Let the fractional work begin 

  • Lap 1 – stop each ¼ lap – 25 merkins, 20 Wide merkins, 15 Diamond merkins, 10 Manmaker merkins 
  • Lap 2 – stop each 1/3 lap – 50 LBC’s, 30 Lowflutters, 20 WWII Situps 
  • Lap 3 – run ½ lap – 10 Tippy Birds each leg, 10 more at end 
  • Lap 4 – run lap (1/3 mile track)

Everyone’s favorite – round of 12 BLMF’ers – the crowd really appreciated those and there was no whining about glutes being sore – but as we started to mosey up the hill there were some that were slow to get moving again 

  • Stop at first light – Monkey Humpers X15 
  • Stop at next light – Merkins X 20 
  • Stop at upper parking lot – LBC’s X 20 

Mosey to cars – J-Lo’s X 15 

Mobility moment to wrap 

Moses recorded 2.1 miles of moseys and everyone went home sweaty with glutes that they will be proud to show off if you ask them to 

COT – lifted up Chris on Ezekiel’s request and his family as he died from cancer yesterday.