SVU Pool Workout

Event Date

Aug 29, 2020


6 men showed up to hit the pool. Started with some light rain but didn’t matter as we were going to get wet either way!    

FNG 1 is Anvil’s guest Ryan #2.  To be named next week.  I think I just came up with a good one….


25 x SSH

15 x Plank Jacks

10 x Toy Soldiers

10 x Grandma Maters

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Indian run to the pool at clubhouse.  Rear pax does 3 Mericans before sprint. 

SVU Pool. 

Warm up: Run in pool up/Quadraphelia back, High Knees up/Butt kickers back, Karaoke 2x,

Partner up:

One pax swims down and back while other does exercise on side of pool.  Swap out.

4 rounds: Mericans, Flutter kicks, Squats, Jump ups (out of pool)

1 round of one pax doing SSH and perform a burpee when partner comes up for air while swimming underwater.  Had to come up for air at least 3x each lap so not black outs. 

Cool down round, pax does easy swim down while partner does freddy mercury.

4 stations at back playground:

Indian run back to AO.  Rear pax does 5 Mericans before sprint. 

Mary … lots of time left!

30 x WWI

15 x Hello Dolly

10 x Crunch left/right/center with 10 sec 6” hold in between each set

15 x box cutters

2 minutes of plank with alternating leg/hand up. 


One of my favorite books is 7 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders by Stephen Covey.  The communcaition chapter is probably the one that hits home for me the most.  Seek to understand before being understood.  I am guilty of frequently formulating my response as someone talks to add or contradict, when instead it goes so much better to just receive and give that person some space and time.  Empathy and listening can go a long way to solving a lot of our angst individually, within families, as a community and as a country.  Don’t have to agree with the point of view or accept everything that’s comes out, just hear them out and not enter the conversation with a perspective that we have to prove we know more or have a better point. 


-Best to all the pax and 2.0s up at Dads camp

-Anvil dropped trou at the pool while drying off.  Nice Care Bear drawers!

-Cheetah was the fastest swimmer by far!

-Salty sprinted past the group and set a PR on the Indian run pace!

-Strudel was eyeing up the pool bathroom but stayed on task!

-FNG-1 confided that he had just swam 30 laps yesterday and we wore him out!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
