Soft Clay PAX I mean Iron PAX Challenge

Event Date

Sep 01, 2020


9 PAX met in the gloom to test their iron at the week one iron packs challenge. A few of them even knew what they were getting themselves into beforehand.

This was a brutal beatdown. On paper YHC didn't think it was terrible, no running looked like a good start. But those burpees took a toll, and the slower they got the slower progress continued. We ended up modifying a fair bit and jumping back and forth between the exercises, called it at 40 minutes and wrapped up with some Mary.

As I mentioned in COT, even if you did not finish the workout, go on to the greenwood F3 website and mark yourself as attempting the week, Enter a time of 2: 00: 00 in the time (You may have to register first so your name shows up in the list). We still get points for the region for all packs to attempt, regardless of time.