5 for 50, That’s a Wrap!

Sweet 16 was the count for the Might Jungle for day 5 of 50.  YHC was glad to see all of the regulars show up to participate in the festivities.  Good times were had by all as we shall elaborate, or pontiifacte on, depending on your point of view.  


Circle up, arm circles forward and back, arm stretches across the chest and down the middle of the back. 

Forward fold, left and then right, back to center.  Loose yet?  Time for… 

10x IC The Windmill, Carrot Puller, IST, and Toy Sailor 

The Thang

The Might Jungle Scavenger Hunt (50s Edition)

    Each Group will mosey to each location in order

    At each location, they will find the answers to the questions below

    All Pax must stay in their group, no man left behind

    At each location, All Pax must do all exercises and reps listed

    All Correct answers get 1 point

    The 1st team back here will get 1 point by planking until next team arrives

    Let the games begin,

    And may the odds be forever in you favor


Team 1    

  1. School – Number( #) of brick columns (both big and small)?
    1. Balls to the Wall for 50 count/seconds
    2. Curb Kicker 25x IC (In Cadence)
    3. Peoples Chair for Air Press 25x IC
    4. Repeato (1, 2 and 3)
  2. Drop-Off Circle – # Parking Spaces at the circle?
    1. Bear Crawl half, then Crab Walk half the Circle
    2. Modify to Lunge Walk as needed
  3. The Steps – # Sidewalk Steps by the Stoplight/Main Entrance?
    1. Bunny Hop up the steps 2 times
    2. Each time at the top, 25x Monkey Humpers OYO (On Your Own)
  4. SE (look for sun) corner of big parking lot – # of orange traffic cone/columns?
    1. Merkins 15x IC
    2. Low Flutters 15x IC
    3. Repeato, this time only 10x IC of each
  5. Pull Up Bars – Number of vertical poles on pull up bars?
    1. 5x pull ups
    2. 10x Air Squats (Go Nice and Deep)
    3. 10x Knee Ups (or Toe Ups)
    4. Repeato (1, 2, and 3)
  6. Mosey back to start – Plank it out

Team 2 mosey'ed around in the opposite direction with: 

  1. Pull Up Bars – Number of vertical poles on pull up bars?
    1. 5x pull ups OYO (On Your Own)
    2. 10x Air Squats (Go Nice and Deep)
    3. 10x Knee Ups (or Toe Ups)
    4. Repeato (1, 2, and 3)
  2. SE (look for sun) corner of big parking lot – # of orange traffic cone/columns?
    1. Merkins 15x IC (In Cadence)
    2. Low Flutters 15x IC
    3. Repeato, this time only 10x IC of each
  3. The Steps – # Sidewalk Steps by the Stoplight/Main Entrance?
    1. Bunny Hop up the steps 2 times
    2. Each time at the top, 25x Monkey Humpers OYO
  4. Drop-Off Circle – # Parking Spaces at the circle?
    1. Bear Crawl half, then Crab Walk half the Circle
    2. Modify to Lunge Walk as needed
  5. School – Number( #) of brick columns (both big and small)?
    1. Balls to the Wall for 50 count/seconds
    2. Curb Kicker 25x IC
    3. Peoples Chair for Air Press 25x IC
    4. Repeato (1, 2 and 3)
  6. Mosey back to start – Plank it out 

So Team 2 may have had an advantage with having 98 Degrees as our leader and Toxic motivating us on like beasts of burden, since we arrived back so fast that Team 2 had to plank and various other stretches until Team 1 arrived, while  Blackbeard looked on in judgment.  Team 1 was awarded 20 Burpees and Team 2 only 10. 

Crocs didn't do any, calling "BS", so there is that.  


On to the Block House to grab a block, but not a brick, because Toxic says so. 

20x oyo Block Swings 

The Colt 50, which is 15x Full, 15x LO,15x HI, and 5x SLO count Full Curls 

10x IC Lawn Mower (each side), Overhead Press, Chest Press, Big Boy Sit Ups, Low Flutter, Low Dolly, Mason twist, Danger Zone, Skull Crusher, and the Bro (Bent over ROw)


Blocks back


Super slow mosey back over for 



Downward Dog

Low Pidgeon left and right, sit and reach, Cobbler, forward fold, reverse swan dive up… 


Recover recover




Good to see all of the Might Jungle favorites today!!!


Pit Stop likes the MJ, and we are glad to see him out there.


Smores ran off  before the scavenger hunt ever started, complaigning about if YHC didn't want the Q, he could have bla bla bla'd.  I wanted to Q, of course, but thought the Scavenger Hunt would be fun.  Well, maybe not count cadence for the entire hour, whould be fun. 


Rodeo has the Wilderness this Thursday for his one year F3'versary, show up to support!

Ultraman – Seems that Ultraman is present for every workout that YHC attends, so I can only assume he also attends all the ones that YHC fartsacks, and it shows, because he is a beast and does every rep with max effort and form. 


Toxic likes to keep everyone honest, form police and all that.  Of note, most of the time that I post, if he is not there, I ask, "where is Toxic?"


Carpet Bagger – so everyone else is slow moseying back to the cars with 10 minutes to go and this HIM is back at the pull up bars doing pull-ups on the bars.  Apparently YHC's workout was not challenging enough, will try harder next time. 


Flytrap – YHC just loves that name, hope to see him out more often. 


Pavarotti is on hernia recover, but for the life of me, YHC could not tell, the man is a beast! 


Titan – all day Team 2 was moseying too slow for the Titan, he was out in front leading the way to the next checkpoint all day!  Once again, will try harder next time to challenge HIM!


98 Degrees did a fine job all day, showing up to an AO that he was not that familiar with and leading us around while giving maximum effort, bringing Team 2 back "home" for a victory.


Really proud of how all the PAX volunteered up to count cadence for all the excercises during the Scavenger Hunt.  Had a great time and YHC hopes it was a little different and more entertaining than normal. If not, sign up to Q and show us how it is done!  Or just sign up to Q, because, to be honest, it's not that hard.  lol 



Thank you all that attended any/all of the Five for Fifty workouts this week.  Older, but still kicking.  Every day above ground is a good day.  


TG sends, *merica*
