The Early Rat gets the…cupcake.

Event Date

Sep 12, 2020

In spite of LOTS of chatter on Twitter concerning this morning’s River Rat 10k, there were 5(ish) pax present and that turned out to be plenty. The chatter was totally YHC fault because I forgot to mention a few of my greatest companions on the preblast.Four of us started as usual and stayed together for most of the way with lots of great conversation. Tantrum met us at about mile 1.5 and blessed us with his presence for another 2 miles or so. Once he joined, we had a wonderful parade of lighted vests and better conversation.Frogger, wearing one of the lighted vests, albeit battery depleted, once again never let the cameraderie and 2ndF falter. He’s always a light in the gloom.With about a mile to go, Turnpike turned on the blistering speed we all know he is capable of and left us in the dust. It was either the subject matter turning political, or he just wanted to get back for Excelsior.TBone turned 51 today, and got a cupcake for his efforts. He joined me for coffee and more great conversation. Happy Birthday!Overall, not a bad way to start the weekend.