Mom, Apple Pie, & Common Core Baseball

The day was September 12th, 19 years after a horrific event in time. Everyone always says how September 12th was they day we were all American. It was all mom, apple pie, and common core baseball. 

What is Common Core Baseball you say? Read on and YHC will explain.


The usual mixture of SSH, IST, CP, Mountain Climbers, & Mericans.

Thang 1: Common Core Baseball

Mosey to baseball field, circle up, count-off by 4's (first challenge). Given a baseball diamond with 4 bases and a pitchers mound, interesect at right angles from the bases through the pitcher mound using only 2 lines resulting in 4 quadrants. Using 11 PAX split evenly into 4 groups, move to the quadrant matching the number you drew in the count-off (you don't remember it do you?). Whatever, just stand in one of the four quadrants. You don't know what the quadrants are? Go stand over there. Ok… back to it. each PAX go stand on a base or the pitcher mound within your quadrant… quadrant… go stand over there. Now, starting with one PAX within each quadr… nm, you over there, start bear crawling over here while everyone else does squats, tag the next runner who bear crawls over to that apex of the quadrant… what's an apex? It's a … nevermind. Omaha!

Thang 1 version 2:

Mosey to low wall at base of dugout hill. Dips x 15 IC, quadraphelia up to the dugout, balls to the wall. Repeato for a bit until someone got self-concious of the hot-yoga group watching us. Count-off by 3's. 1's to the pullup bars for 5 pullups, 2's to the swing sets for swericans (swing-mericans), 3's bunny hop up the stairs for 15 squats. Rotate and repeat until nauseous. 

Thang 1.79246

Totally forgot that we did get a successful non common core math in here. Memory is fading but it went something like;

All PAX start at home plate, sprint to 1st for 5 burpees, jog back, sprint to 1st for 5 burpees then to 2nd for 10 merkins and back by way of 1st, sprint to through each base repeating previous exercise up to 3rd for 15 CDD's and back, sprint through each base doing each exercise to home for 20 little man in the woods and back to complete the cycle.

Thang 2:

Mosey to bottom of soccer field stairs. Simple stupid salutations to the BRR runners by running up the stairs and back to the bottom for 5 burpees, repeato 5 times.


Round the circle, call out a mary exercise and lead it. 


Math is hard. 
