Men of Constant Sorrow (Soggy Bottom Boys) at Fission

Event Date

Sep 17, 2020


4 soggy bottom boys sallied out in a dark drizzle to amble around in that "new car smell" at the new AO.  We parked at the donut shop and convened for THE THANG:





Slow squats

etc etc

Mosey to Town Hall for a momentary dry spot.  Did some exercises under the cover. 

Mosey to the bars by Donut Hill.  Reverkins.

Mosey to Presby Church for some John Calvin Dips

Mosey down Church St. to the biggest rock pile in the land for a "helper's choice" blend of rockercise.

Mosey back up the Church St. hill doing the Streetlight boogie (stop at each light for some pain)

Stop at Presby church for some John Calvin step ups

Stop at donut hill for 5-1.

Mosey back to donut shop for mobility moment.

Did a ton of Americans along the way.


Ye olde donut skin:

It was wet.

The acoustics under the cover at Town Hall are like an opera house.

A good citizen sentry standing on a balcony gave a fright to Uncle Rico.

Donut Hill and Church St. hill are both boogers.

That's a big rock pile by Legion Park.

We're just scratching the surface of this AO.  Aye!

We sat in the rain drinking coffee.  The Nantan arrived from parts unknown where he'd completed the IPC (but no video proof).