Event Date

Sep 18, 2020

Pax not registered: Rooney & The Ultimate.

 A lot of pain was had by all this morning in the Parking Deck of Pain.  We carried our bells up one level past camp gladiator who had taken the bottom level circled up did our warm-ups some side straddle hops  Dwight Schrute‘s windmills and arm circles.  

 The first level going up start with one rep and add one rep at each parking lot line.   Ultraman figured it up and said that the total amount of reps for each exercise was 120.  

 The first exercise of the first ramp was curls walk around the second ramp going up we did squats third ramp was overhead press and up the last ramp to the top was kettle bell swings.

 When we got to the top Goat led us in a little mobility moment which was welcomed by the PAX.  

 Next we headed down the first ramp we did skull crushers, down the second ramp we did bent over rows (BRO or manzier).  Then I asked Toxic for time and he said we only had nine minutes left so we carried our bells back to the level where we started and circled up for Mary.

Amen. JLo of course 

Toxic Dot The I in honor of Big 10 football being back 

Goat with low flutter 

Frogger with touch dem heels 

The Force with hip dips 

and Ultraman with plank

 After Ultraman finished planks I was about to call recover recover but Diehard really wanted to do some shoulder touch Merkens so we let him lead that then recover recover.

 This is always a very good work out to do when you offer to lead on short notice. It always sucks and keeps mumble chatter to a minimum. 

 It takes quite a lot to keep Frogger from mumble chatter however this workout is pretty good at doing that yeah it did not stop him from making noises during this work out and at the end he said he would be feeling it for a couple of days. 

 Thanks everybody for coming out I hope you all enjoyed it got something out of it. Thank you Ultraman for allowing me to lead sorry this backblast was so late but better late than never .

The Lord  bless you and keep you.
