Mosey to warm up: Side Strattle Hop; Imperial Storm Trooper; Toy Soldier; Cotton Picker; Leg Stretch

Part 1 Around the Square 3x: Four stops 20x Merkins; Squats; Carolina Dry Dock and Apollo Ohno:

Part 2 Rock Pile 2x: 15x Curls; Overhead Press; Squat; Skull Crusher: Repeat with 10x

Stop for Pledge of Allegiance

Part 3 Mini Hoorseshoe: Partner Up; Run Mini HS/Exercise than flip 100x Merkins; 200x Low Flutters 300x LBC

Back to Base for a Mobility Moment

On our knees to Thank the Lord for our gifts and to bless those in need!

Cally; Axel; Thug and Moby did a make up "Real" Horseshoe

Lots of mumble chatter that thankfully with this big of a pax was all background noise!

Outlaw Thank You for allowing me to lead Paininsula!