September Murph at Arnie’s Army

Event Date

Sep 28, 2020

FNG-1 = The Ultimate (not signed up on website yet – Frogger, can you reach out to him about that?)

FNG-2 = AJ (Dingo's now-former neighbor, first post but moving to Georgia)

0500Auto and YHC ran a 2.85-mile Standard through Birkdale Village.

0530: Circled up and explained the route / gave Murph instructions, and then we were off.

1 Mile Run to Arnie's AO

10 sets of:

  • Pullups x 10 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC

1 Mile Run back to Jason's Deli parking lot.

Recover, recover.


  • Tclaps to Auto, who ran a trail marathon on Sat, then ran another 4-5 recovery miles on Sun, and then showed up this morning and completed a Murph plus a Standard.  Pretty impressive.
  • Thanks to Tuffy for the form accountability on the last set of squats.  After so many sets/reps, it's easy to get sloppy on form.  I appreciated and probably needed the reminder.
  • Thanks to Heely for calling out a bunch of pax on Twitter, who then all showed up for the Murph this morning.  Always great to have a nice size group show up for this one.  Hope to see you all again in October.
  • Thanks to Dingo for bringing AJ this morning (who crushed it, BTW).  Glad to have met him, and sorry that he'll now be leaving us, but hopefully he can link up with a group down in Georgia.  Thanks also to Dingo for taking us out this morning.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016 – forever grateful.  Note that Cherry Bomb has declared this coming month EH/Kotters month.  Please give some thought on who might be able to use F3 in their lives, and take the time to invite them to a workout.  As well, please think about those who perhaps haven't been around as much lately, reach out and tell them they're missed, and invite them back.  We're better together.
