Core and Gore

Event Date

Oct 03, 2020


Only 3 of us managed to crawl out of bed today for a little no-running workout. Mars (I think) was just below the moon in a crystal clear sky….just beautiful…God is awesome.



15 IC Windmills

15 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Merkins

15 IC Tony Hawks

15 IC Frankenstein's

The Thang

Stacked 2 boxes at "The Gate" with Bertha (#90 sandball) on one side. Timer lifts Bertha like an Atlas Stone and puses it over the boxes (see pic below) then scales the boxes to the other side and does a burpee – calls out "One". Repeato for 6 Heavy Bag Box Over Burpees. Meanwhile the other 2 Pax do a superset of 2 core exercises – WW1's/Freddy Mercury's and Block Lumberjacks Left/Block Lumberjacks Right. The Pax alternate the 2 core exercises after each box over from the Timer. All 3 Pax rotate through.

Next round same except the core exercises are Wheelie extensions left/Wheelie extensions right and Ball slams/Ball pike ups.

Next round the same except the core exercises are KB sit ups/reverse waterfalls and High plank/Low planks.

FORTUNATELY, we had time for another full cycle!!!!! UNFORTUNATELY, Shirley severaly lacerated Bertha at the end of round 2 so we had to just do 10 box over burpees for round 3. Bertha may have bled out causing the Q to have an excuse to order a real sandbag – we shall see.

Return all equipment (harder than you think).

Time at the end for a quick round of River Merkins – listen to Bishop Briggs' "River" in plank and do a Merkin every time she sings "like a river" – about 3.5 minutes long and 35 or so Merkins.


Matthew 7:13-14 

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wde is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Christ truly is The Gate. It is only in and through Him we are saved. While we will never fully measure up, how blessed we are to have Him as our example. Want to be better, look at Him and seek to emulate His example. It will take work, you will mess up, but you will improve with His help. 


I am always amazed at the fortitude of Shirley and Cheetah. You two push me every single time and I am grateful for the opportunity to work out with you. This workout was really designed for 6 or 7 guys and only having 3 made it much harder. But you just jumped in and bailed me out. Thanks for your examples.
