Hats and Mats

Event Date

Oct 01, 2020

A morning temperature check finds it's below 50 at BBBroga's new start time of 6:15 AM.  YHC knows that means it's time to cover up the dome.  At the parking lot, Sonar and Scope are prepared for the weather with skull caps, Marker with a ball cap.  We get going on our walk.  As we make the turn for home, Hefty sneaks up behind us (that ankle has him walking like a sniper moves in the desert – slow and methodical) and he's wearing a ball cap as well.  All 5 PAX with hats, that must be a record of some sort.  The stretching starts, when we're pleasantly surprised that Finkle decided to join us after SVU.  He however was not wearing a hat.  It's hard to bat 1.000, but we were definitely in the majors.  

  • There was much discussion about the moon – blue, new, harvest, yellow – special thanks to Sonar for clearing it all up in post with some helpful information in Slack
  • Marker handed me 6 pack of lighters, each with a different Grateful Dead image.  Apparently they were in the 'free to employees' pile, but to Deadheads these are collectors items.  Thanks Bro!
  • Hefty gets 'The Sidler' Seinfeld reference and the Resevoir Dogs 'they weren't there and then they were' awards, he literally joined up with us on our walk and we didn't notice he was with us until we got back to the parking lot – stealthy!
  • Scope has been putting a lot of work in on his car and got it fired up recently after a minor spark plug oversight – much better than forgetting to gas it up
  • Finkle's M thinks he's cheating on her with a woman named Bertha – she sounds hideous

Pleasure to lead.  Namaste, Bertha