Snaking through The Sword

Event Date

Oct 05, 2020

Mosey to the back of parking lot and circle up.  Give disclaimer and warm up.  






grab block and zamparini to end of lot

merkins x15 then run lap around island back to block 

curl with block to the end of the next lane 

squats x15 then run lap around next island back to block 

Overhead press to end of next lane 

CDD x15 run lap

skull crushers to end of next lane

MMMerkinsx15 run lap

zamparini to end of lane

Go to wall for peoples chair with air press 

dips on the bench x15 then start toward the back

curls to the end of the next lane

chest pressx15 run lap

OHP to end of lane

block swingsx15 OYO

zamparini back to put blocks away and mosey back to cars for 


Jlo – YHC

LBC – Pinkman

Dot the i – Toxic 

low flutter – Qbert

Homer to Marge – Frontier 

recover recover 

Great work by everyone.  Awesome seeing Frontier back out.  Prayers to Jimmy O and also Qbert who lost his brother.

The Lord bless you all and keep you.
