one two three, yip two three

Event Date

Oct 06, 2020


PAX of 8 arrived and gathered, some at 5:15, some at 5:20, and some at 5:30. At 5:30 the group rolled out to…er wait…first the group had to knock out 15 merkins IC compliments of the Q Gnarly Goat. As he hinted in the preblast, we would likely do about 100 of these throughout the morning. Once the first round was completed, THEN we rolled out to the theater for warm-o-rama.

Warm-o-rama: SSH, IST, windmill, toy soldier IC. Imaginary jump rope where I’m pretty sure Eeyore was trying to get folks to do double dutch w/ him.

Mosey to greenway hill for a 1, 2, 3 partner Dora: partner 1 runs to second lamp post at bottom of hill and back up, partner 2 does exercise. Cumulative reps between partners: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 low flutter (2 = 1)

Mosey to rock pile where OUR SHOES GOT ALL WET!!!

Parking lot rock exercises. Complete set and move 1 to the left until sets have been completed with each PAX’s rock. Curls x 5 IC, shoulder press x 3 IC

Mobility minute

Timer went off every 5 minutes (or maybe it felt like every 3 minutes?) during the above for a grand total of about 10000 American Push Ups

3rd F coffee chat: continuing discussion on the Marriage That Works devotional series

Thanks for the great morning and welcome FNG Curtis! Curtis beat me up the hill every round of Dora and jumped right in to our conversation with some great commentary on Jesus, the Church, and marriage. Great to meet you and I definitely hope to see you out more. I also had the pleasure of meeting Slingshot for the first time. Great to have you this morning and I hope to see you around more as well.

PSA to F3 LKN: Berean will move to a standard start time of 05:15 next week!!! Website and map are being update (thank you Blackbeard for the expertise and assistance)