Cobra Kai’s Virgin Q!!

Event Date

Oct 17, 2020


7 men of various ages, sizes, and fitness levels all convened at “The Park” for a virgin Q by Cobra Kai: F3’s new resident martial arts shifu and obsessive selfie-taker. If you haven't watched it yet, check out the short (3-minute) film they made when they were going to make a documentary about our virgin Q. 


A smattering of SSHs, a peck of carrot pulling, and a few cubic feet of milling of the wind. Then it was off to the football field for. . .


While Boar Hog anti-socially distanced himself due to a (presumably) non-COVID condition, Cobra Kai lined up the Pax on the zero yard line (is that a thing?) for a Hindu Hop (you had to be there) to the 10, then a 90-yard run to the opposite goal line, then 90 yards back to the 10, then Hindu Hop to the 20, 80-yard run back and forth etc. It’s a cardio carnival!

Somewhere in the midst of the Hindu Hop, Buttercup (freshly named at his last posting) graced us with his presence, having not yet received the F3 “start on time” memo. At age 29, he has few excuses for his apparent fitness challenges, except maybe that being a programmer he probably lives on Doritos and Red Bull while debugging Scala or playing Call of Duty until four in the morning. But Buttercup sucked it up and did what his heart would allow while seemingly believing the consensus pax opinion that if he just keeps showing up, he will get there.

Having traversed the field with the Hindu Hop, Cobra Kai took us back with the same protocol, only with a jab-jab, upper cut-upper cut, hook shot-hook shot, front kick/lunge-front/kick lunge combination.


A few “dead cockroaches” and other Mary’s later, we found ourselves at the yoga portion of the morning, with some moves that Moses seemed to recognize but the rest of us just pretended to know.

Since Cobra Kai—as with all new Q’s—struggled with the Q-count, Moses held an impromptu cadence-counting class that was beneficial not just for the content, but for the leadership example and the teaching approach.


100% attendance at Starbucks was a record for so many pax, and we had some strays join us as well. The conversations were splintered due to distancing, although Stapler, Waffle, and COVID Kai Cobra Kai got rather chummy toward the end, looking like a Spirit Airlines seating arrangement (now we know where to start the contact tracing. Boar Hog shamed YHC into staying until 9:45, but then the cold air and conversation about “not me” finally forced the exit.


Congratulations to Cobra Kai on his first full Q. Thanks to Moses for Co-Qing with him previously and for the training. And a big congratulations to Buttercup for continuing to show up when his heart (literally) is clearly not in it yet. Someday he will snatch the pebble from the master’s hand and he will be a man. A man named Buttercup.