Out of Blocks

Big Crowd, felt like a convergence and a time warp seeing lots of faces I haven't seen in a while…iot was awesome.  Great Q OB!  Made me sweat extra as I was worried about running out of blocks.  Turns out we have 18.5 blocks at Mighty Oak. I will grab a few more before you Q again.  


We did a quick warm up and then grabbed blocks and did a little something like the following:

5 or 6 Rounds (5-10-15-20-30)


1.            Curl-5-10-15-20-30

2.            Strict Press-5-10-15-20-30

3.            Skull crushers-5-10-15-20-30

4.            Decline Merkins-5-10-15-20-30

5.            Squats (20)

6.            LBC (20)

7.            HR Burp (7)

8.            Run 1 Lap



Great job Qbert getting out an FNG-Travis-hope to see him and you again soon!

Way to take us out OB, great COT and prayer!