Mini tour at Antiquity

Event Date

Oct 22, 2020


Warm upJog around until we stop at townhouses areaWindmill Toy Soldier Imperial Storm Trooper OYO 10 each Leg Step up. The bricks was unsafe. We move to next corner. IC 10 Decline Merkin 10 Incline Merkin 10 Muhammad Ali Repeato OYO 10 Leg Step Up IC 10 Dips IC LBC Repeato IC 10 CCDIC 10 Brick Touch Merkin Repeato Mosey to front Antiquity Apartment IC 10 Australian Pull Up OYO 10 One leg Squat or BulgarianRepeato Mosey to wall People’s Chair IC 10 Air Press Mosey to train trackIC 10 Monkey Humper Grab two small rocks between 5 – 8 lbsIC 15 Rock Front Raise IC 15 Rock Side Raise or Butterfly MaryLow Flutter- TitanW – Waffle House Freddy Mercury – Canuck Pretzel Crunch  – Cousin Eddie Home to Marge – Macbeth Moleskine: Cousin Eddie  Thank you for allowing me to Q at Fission. Always a pleasure to lead pax the this morning. Titan