Java Java Java

12 Men ventured into the early gloom known as Java to earn their caffeine. 

Run from Birkdale Starbucks to Walgreens for warmarama – 15 SSH, 15 Imperial Stormtroopers, 15 cotton pickers and 15 windmills

Run down the greenway behind the theater to the end of the pond

10 merkins, 15  Freddy Mercury

Run up the LONG hill to Elevation Church. 

10 wide merkins, 20 LBCs

Run to the faux fountain

10 Shoulder touch merkins, Pretzel cruches

Run to home base for Mary

10 Man maker merkins, 20 heels to heaven,  ended with Mobility Moment (streches)


5:31 we took off for Wallgreens, kudos to Lonestar for finding us after he arrived later than usual

I know this is a surprise but Frogger pretty much talked the entire time…..

Great to see Duval travel from Davidson to run with us!

Fast crew this morning!  My average pace was 9:10 and Lonestar and I were in the back the entire time!