Fun adventure at Cauldron

9 pax got stronger this morning. We went 2 different parking lots for warm upWindmill, Toy Soldier,  Cotton Picker, Apollo Ono We move to Huntersville Elementary School parking lot then tennis court The ThangKB Squats 10-15KB Swing 10-15KB Full Curl 10-15Run to the end of tennis court Quadriphilia back KB Chest Press 10-15KB Skull Crusher 10-15KB Murder Bunnies KB Lunge WalkRepeatoBack to DPK parking lot KB Step up 10 each leg KB Glute bridge 10KB Lawnmower 10 each sideMonkey Humper 10Touch Wall Merkin 10Repeato Mary:WWII sit upLow Dolly Crunch Frog Regular PlankDownward DogUpper Dog Moleskine:Great group this morning.  Lots of mumblechatter. Sometimes you gotta adventure outside Cauldron AO.Tclaps to Ultraman for using two KB while doing Step Up exercise. Amen thank you for taken us out on prayer. Welcome back Frontier.Big thank you to Ultraman for letting me Q.